Water cut in Herencia due to a fault in the supply network. - Herencia (Ciudad Real) Spain

Water cut in Herencia due to a fault in the supply network.

The Municipal Water Service and Services of the City Council of Herencia, in collaboration with Emaser, have reported a breakdown in one of the main pipelines supplying potable water, located on Gómez Montalbán Street, in the Barrio del Cristo. The breakdown has required the water supply to be cut off in order to proceed with its repair.

Affected Streets

The interruption of service will affect several streets in the municipality. The list of affected streets is detailed below:

1. Ronda Street: Numbers 85 to 125

2. Plaza del Cristo de la Misericordia: Entire street

3. Cristo de la Misericordia Street: Entire street

4. Santo Sepulcro Street – Camino de San Cristóbal: Odd numbers

5. Santiago Street – Camino de Tomelloso: Even numbers, including the municipal cemetery

6. Joaquín Rodrigo Street: Odd numbers

7. Los Huertos Street: Number 27 to corner with Joaquín Rodrigo

8. Gómez Montalbán Street: Numbers 13 to 39 (2 to 40)

9. Callejón del Cristo: Entire street

10. Pintor Street: Entire street

11. San Bartolomé Street: Even numbers

12. Iglesia Street: Numbers 7 to 39 (16 to 40)

13. Santa Teresa Street: Numbers 1 to 61 (2 to 34)

14. Tercia Street: Numbers 1 to 69 (36 to 64)

15. Oratorio Street: Numbers 1 to 19 (2 to 24)

16. Cruces Street: Numbers 63 to 91 (90 to 120)

17. Arguellio Street: Entire street

Duration of the Cut

Since the breakdown was detected, intense work has been done to isolate the affected streets to minimize the impact. However, the affected areas will not regain the water supply until the pipeline repair is completed, which is estimated to be around noon today.

Communication and Apologies

The City Council and Emaser apologize for the inconvenience caused and thank citizens for their understanding. They have provided an interactive map on Google Maps to view the affected streets and track the progress of the repair.

For any additional inquiries, residents can contact the Municipal Water Service and Services of the City Council of Herencia.

The prompt repair of this breakdown is a priority to ensure the restoration of the potable water supply to the affected residents.

Spanish post in Corte de agua en Herencia por avería en la red de abastecimiento

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