A literary journey through Spain's most emblematic festivals, with Herencia as the main character. - Herencia (Ciudad Real) Spain

A literary journey through Spain’s most emblematic festivals, with Herencia as the main character.

With the arrival of the carnival season, literature dresses up in disguise to celebrate one of the most festive and deeply rooted traditions in Spain. “Carnaval de cuento”, a work edited by Tres Patas y Pico, brings together 19 children’s stories that explore the carnival celebrations of the different communities and autonomous cities in the country. Among them, a story dedicated to the Carnival of Herencia, written by the Castilian-Manchego author David López González, stands out.

The book, which combines short stories with illustrations, offers a literary journey through the most emblematic carnivals in Spain, from the ancestral rituals of small villages to the extravagant parades that attract thousands of people. Its aim is to bring the richness and diversity of these festivals, which are a living heritage of popular culture, closer to children and adults alike.

Herencia, a protagonist in the pages of “Carnaval de cuento”

The Carnival of Herencia, one of the best known in Castilla-La Mancha, has a special place in this work. The story written by David López González captures the essence of this celebration, where characters like El Perlé and the Máscara Callejera come to life. Through these figures, the author seeks to convey the joy, color, and tradition that surround this festival, recognized for its participatory nature and its ability to unite neighbors and visitors.

López González, who already has a established literary career, has managed to capture in his story the magic of a carnival that is much more than just a party: it is a cultural heritage that is passed down from generation to generation.

Crowdfunding for a unique work

The publication of “Carnaval de cuento” is made possible thanks to a crowdfunding campaign on the Verkami platform. This crowdfunding system allows readers to become patrons of the project, ensuring a copy of the book before its official launch. In addition, the campaign offers exclusive rewards, such as illustrated postcards and materials for activities related to carnivals.

The Tres Patas y Pico publishing house has highlighted that this initiative not only seeks to fund the book, but also to generate a community of lovers of traditions and children’s literature. “Carnaval de cuento” is, in their words, “an opportunity to celebrate the cultural diversity of Spain and to remember that popular festivals are part of our identity.”

A tribute to traditions

Beyond its literary value, “Carnaval de cuento” is a tribute to the traditions that have shaped Spanish culture. Each story is a window to a world full of color, music, and joy, but also of history and significance. The book aims to be an educational resource for children and young people to learn about and appreciate the festivities that are part of their cultural heritage.

Those interested in supporting this project can do so through the Verkami platform, where they will find all the necessary information to participate in the campaign. In addition to receiving the book, contributors will be contributing to preserving and promoting the carnival traditions of Spain.

With “Carnaval de cuento”, literature and carnival come together to remind us that popular festivals are much more than just entertainment: they are a legacy that unites us and defines us as a society. A unique opportunity to celebrate traditions from the pages of a book that promises to be as special as the carnivals it portrays.

Spanish post in Un viaje literario por las fiestas más emblemáticas de España, con Herencia como protagonista

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