APAM-CLM alerts about the dangers of thunderstorms and offers prevention tips. - Herencia (Ciudad Real) Spain

APAM-CLM alerts about the dangers of thunderstorms and offers prevention tips.

The Professional Association of Environmental Agents of Castilla-La Mancha (APAM-CLM) has published a decalogue of preventive measures against thunderstorms, highlighting the risks associated with this meteorological phenomenon.

Alarming data on lightning victims

According to statistics provided by APAM-CLM:

– 30% of people struck by lightning die.

– 74% of survivors suffer permanent disabilities.

– More than 70% of deaths occur between June and August.

– On the night of August 30-31, 2024, 1,928 lightning strikes were recorded in Spain.

Higher risk in rural areas

The probability of being struck by lightning is significantly higher in rural areas than in urban areas. However, recent studies suggest that pollution in cities may favor lightning strikes.

Profile of victims

– 52% of fatal victims were engaged in outdoor recreational activities.

– 25% were working, mainly in construction and agriculture.

– There is a higher mortality rate in men, probably due to their greater participation in outdoor activities.

Historical evolution

From 1941 to 1979, Spain recorded around 2,000 lightning deaths. However, these figures have decreased substantially in recent decades, possibly due to the transition from a rural to an urban society.

Prevention tips

APAM-CLM offers a detailed prevention decalogue, which includes recommendations such as:

– Paying attention to weather reports before engaging in outdoor activities.

– Avoiding high and open areas during a storm.

– Not running with wet clothes during a storm.

– Getting rid of metal objects and turning off electronic devices.

– Adopting a crouching position for safety if the storm cannot be avoided.

First aid

In case a person is struck by lightning, APAM-CLM recommends:

– Checking pulse and breathing immediately.

– Initiating resuscitation maneuvers if necessary.

– Checking for burns, especially on limbs and near metal objects.

– Keeping the victim warm until emergency services arrive.

APAM-CLM emphasizes the importance of prevention and rapid action in case of accidents, reminding that even seemingly unharmed people after being struck by lightning should receive medical attention. An article was published in the online newspaper: Herencia (Ciudad Real). Newspaper of information in the heart of La Mancha.

Spanish post in APAM-CLM alerta sobre los peligros de las tormentas eléctricas y ofrece consejos de prevención

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