Castilla-La Mancha pays tribute to social initiative in Herencia - Herencia (Ciudad Real) Spain

Castilla-La Mancha pays tribute to social initiative in Herencia

In an emotional ceremony held this afternoon at the Municipal Auditorium of Herencia, the Regional Government of Castilla-La Mancha has celebrated the Act of Recognition of Social Initiative, an annual event that highlights the selfless work of individuals and organizations that improve the lives of the most vulnerable people in the region.

Presence of Dignitaries and Community Commitment

The event was attended by the distinguished presence of the President of the Regional Government, Emiliano García-Page, and other senior officials such as the second vice president, José Manuel Caballero; the Minister of Education, Amador Pastor Noheda; the Minister of Social Welfare, Bárbara García Torijano; the provincial delegate of the Regional Government, Blanca Fernández; and the Mayor of Herencia, Sergio García Navas, along with his government team.

Celebrating Solidarity and Social Inclusion

During the event, a total of 17 recognitions were awarded that highlight the exemplary work of individuals, groups, institutions, and entities that, through their continuous and often altruistic efforts, significantly contribute to improving the living conditions of those in vulnerable situations.

Special Distinctions

Among the distinctions awarded, three have been especially highlighted, including the recognition of the association ‘La Merced Migraciones’ of Herencia. Luis Callejas, president of the association, has received the honor for the integration of young migrants through welcome. This recognition emphasizes the association’s commitment to the inclusion and support of migrants, a mission that the City Council of Herencia has applauded for its positive impact on the community.

A Commitment to Social Action

This Act of Recognition not only celebrates individual and collective achievements, but also reaffirms Castilla-La Mancha’s commitment to the values of solidarity and social action. By highlighting these initiatives, the Regional Government of Castilla-La Mancha sends a clear message about the importance of civic cooperation and social responsibility in building a more inclusive and compassionate society.

In summary, the Act of Recognition of Social Initiative of Castilla-La Mancha has established itself as an essential platform for the visibility and valuation of community work in the region. By honoring those who strive to make a difference, Castilla-La Mancha demonstrates its unwavering support for the creation of a stronger and more united community.

Spanish post in Castilla-La Mancha rinde homenaje a la iniciativa social en Herencia

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