Culture - Herencia (Ciudad Real) Spain


The Heritage Book Clubs celebrate the end of the school year with a cultural excursion to Medina del Campo and Urueña.

The enthusiastic readers of the Municipal Library of Herencia will close the course with a very special cultural excursion. After immersing themselves in the pages of “Splinters in the Skin” by acclaimed author César Pérez Gellida, the members of the reading clubs are preparing to explore the historical locations mentioned in the work. This activity, scheduled for June 15 and

Spanish post in Paloma González Rubio, finalista del proyecto lector «Los Inmortales», dialoga con jóvenes de Herencia

Herencia rediscovers its hidden heritage with the Route of the Courtyards.

On the 1st of May, residents of Herencia and visitors will have a unique opportunity to explore the city’s hidden heritage through the Route of the Courtyards. This event, which has become a must-attend for history and local architecture lovers, will allow participants to delve into some of the most emblematic and less accessible courtyards in the town. In this

Herencia renews its support to the Santa Cecilia Musical Group with a 16,000 euro agreement.

In Herencia, music will continue to resonate strongly throughout the year thanks to the renewal of the collaboration agreement between the City Council and the Santa Cecilia Musical Group. This Monday, Mayor Sergio García-Navas and Roberto García-Escribano García-Morato, president of the prestigious association, signed an agreement that guarantees an investment of 16,000 euros to promote musical initiatives in the municipality.

Heritage dresses up in art and devotion during Holy Week.

Inheritance, known for its heritage wealth and the artistic value of its carvings, is getting ready to celebrate an unforgettable Holy Week. This morning, the mayor Sergio García-Navas, accompanied by councilors Conchi Rodríguez-Palancas, José M. Bolaños, and the team responsible for works, have been finalizing details of the processional routes and the strategic placement of stands and fences, so that

The Heritage Book Clubs celebrate the end of the school year with a cultural excursion to Medina del Campo and Urueña.

The enthusiastic readers of the Municipal Library of Herencia will close the course with a very special cultural excursion. After immersing themselves in the pages of “Splinters in the Skin” by acclaimed author César Pérez Gellida, the members of the reading clubs are preparing to explore the historical locations mentioned in the work. This activity, scheduled for June 15 and

Spanish post in Paloma González Rubio, finalista del proyecto lector «Los Inmortales», dialoga con jóvenes de Herencia

Herencia rediscovers its hidden heritage with the Route of the Courtyards.

On the 1st of May, residents of Herencia and visitors will have a unique opportunity to explore the city’s hidden heritage through the Route of the Courtyards. This event, which has become a must-attend for history and local architecture lovers, will allow participants to delve into some of the most emblematic and less accessible courtyards in the town. In this

Herencia renews its support to the Santa Cecilia Musical Group with a 16,000 euro agreement.

In Herencia, music will continue to resonate strongly throughout the year thanks to the renewal of the collaboration agreement between the City Council and the Santa Cecilia Musical Group. This Monday, Mayor Sergio García-Navas and Roberto García-Escribano García-Morato, president of the prestigious association, signed an agreement that guarantees an investment of 16,000 euros to promote musical initiatives in the municipality.

Heritage dresses up in art and devotion during Holy Week.

Inheritance, known for its heritage wealth and the artistic value of its carvings, is getting ready to celebrate an unforgettable Holy Week. This morning, the mayor Sergio García-Navas, accompanied by councilors Conchi Rodríguez-Palancas, José M. Bolaños, and the team responsible for works, have been finalizing details of the processional routes and the strategic placement of stands and fences, so that

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