Education - Herencia (Ciudad Real) Spain


IES Hermógenes Rodríguez invites you to the event “Inolvidables VII”: Basilia Jimeno Fernández.

The ceremony for the “Unforgettable VII” award will take place on Wednesday, March 8 at 12:00 in the Municipal Auditorium of Herencia. This educational award is a joint initiative of the Hermógenes Rodríguez High School and the Herencia Local Women’s Center. Under the slogan “Combing through Forgetfulness,” this year’s edition honors all women who have been ignored by official history

IES Hermógenes Rodríguez participates in JUNIOR Esports.

The Culture and Education Committee of the European Parliament has presented a report which aims to establish a common strategy for the development of the video game and esports ecosystem in the European Union. This document aims to retain talent, improve the role of European institutions in these sectors, and encourage their growth. In addition, the European Parliament has recognized

The students from Ntra. Sra. De las Mercedes School won the First Lego League at the Castilla La Mancha level.

On February 25th, the FIRST LEGO LEAGUE took place in Toledo, in which 4 groups of our Primary and Secondary Education students participated. The FIRST LEGO LEAGUE is a team-based educational program that promotes STEAM vocations among young people through robotics, programming, and research. In the Challenge level, Secondary Education students managed to become winners, obtaining a pass to the

Their Majesties the Three Kings visited the schools of Herencia.

A few days ago, before Christmas vacation, their Majesties the Three Wise Men visited the Nuestra Señora de las Mercedes education centers and the Carrasco Alcalde Primary School to collect letters from the children who were eagerly awaiting their arrival. This activity was part of the Herencian Christmas programming, in collaboration with educational centers and parent associations. An article was

IES Hermógenes Rodríguez invites you to the event “Inolvidables VII”: Basilia Jimeno Fernández.

The ceremony for the “Unforgettable VII” award will take place on Wednesday, March 8 at 12:00 in the Municipal Auditorium of Herencia. This educational award is a joint initiative of the Hermógenes Rodríguez High School and the Herencia Local Women’s Center. Under the slogan “Combing through Forgetfulness,” this year’s edition honors all women who have been ignored by official history

IES Hermógenes Rodríguez participates in JUNIOR Esports.

The Culture and Education Committee of the European Parliament has presented a report which aims to establish a common strategy for the development of the video game and esports ecosystem in the European Union. This document aims to retain talent, improve the role of European institutions in these sectors, and encourage their growth. In addition, the European Parliament has recognized

The students from Ntra. Sra. De las Mercedes School won the First Lego League at the Castilla La Mancha level.

On February 25th, the FIRST LEGO LEAGUE took place in Toledo, in which 4 groups of our Primary and Secondary Education students participated. The FIRST LEGO LEAGUE is a team-based educational program that promotes STEAM vocations among young people through robotics, programming, and research. In the Challenge level, Secondary Education students managed to become winners, obtaining a pass to the

Their Majesties the Three Kings visited the schools of Herencia.

A few days ago, before Christmas vacation, their Majesties the Three Wise Men visited the Nuestra Señora de las Mercedes education centers and the Carrasco Alcalde Primary School to collect letters from the children who were eagerly awaiting their arrival. This activity was part of the Herencian Christmas programming, in collaboration with educational centers and parent associations. An article was

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