Elderly members of the community in Herencia explore the facilities of the Water Cycle Integrated System. - Herencia (Ciudad Real) Spain

Elderly members of the community in Herencia explore the facilities of the Water Cycle Integrated System.

The Senior Center of Herencia, in collaboration with the City Council and Emaser, has carried out an educational session aimed at exploring the water treatment and purification facilities of the municipality’s integral water cycle. This activity, which brought together around thirty people, is part of the continuous efforts to bring the community closer to vital resources and services.

The session began at the Senior Center with a theoretical presentation given by specialized technicians. During this phase, the processes that make up the water cycle were explained in detail, from the collection in wells to the purification of wastewater before it is reintegrated into natural waterways.

Subsequently, the participants took a guided bus tour to several key facilities. They started at the Palancas Well, continued to the La Juncada reservoir, and visited the Drinking Water Treatment Plant (ETAP), where they could observe the water purification process and the remote control systems that ensure the quality and safety of the distributed water.

The attendees showed a notable interest, asking various questions about the operation and management of water, enriching the session. The detailed explanations about quality controls and consumption curves captured special attention, reflecting the complexity and importance of these infrastructures.

The Mayor, Sergio García-Navas, and the Councilor for Social Welfare, Conchi Rodríguez-Palancas, who accompanied the group during the excursion, expressed their satisfaction with the development of the session. Both highlighted the importance of these activities to promote knowledge about essential services and reaffirmed the City Council’s commitment to continue improving and ensuring the quality of the water cycle in Herencia.

The session not only provided the elderly with a deeper understanding of the water cycle, but also reaffirmed the importance of maintaining and understanding our local infrastructures, ensuring that Herencia continues to be an example of efficient and transparent management of the most vital resource: water.

An article published on the online newspaper: Herencia (Ciudad Real). Diario de información en el corazón de la mancha.

Spanish post in Mayores de Herencia exploran las instalaciones del Ciclo Integral del Agua

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