Great reception at the beginning of Elderly Month in Herencia. - Herencia (Ciudad Real) Spain

Great reception at the beginning of Elderly Month in Herencia.

The start of the Elderly Month in Herencia has been marked by success and participation. In an event full of music and emotion, the Municipal Auditorium was the perfect stage for the celebration that featured the show “The Torment of Your Moles”, a blend of copla, flamenco, and boleros that captivated everyone present.

The festive atmosphere was complemented by a snack that delighted the numerous attendees. The event not only showcased the talent of the artists on stage, but also the presence of prominent figures from the City Council. The Mayor, Sergio García-Navas, along with the Councilor for Social Welfare, Conchi Rodríguez-Palancas, and other members of the government team did not want to miss the opportunity to share this special afternoon with our elders.

It is a clear demonstration of the commitment that the City Council of Herencia has to the elderly, promoting activities that enrich and celebrate the lives of those who have contributed so much to the community. The positive response from the population augurs a month full of emotions, encounters, and tributes to this beloved and respected group in the locality.

Spanish post in Gran acogida en el inicio del Mes de los Mayores en Herencia

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