Grupo TSD International and Diocesan Caritas of Ciudad Real join forces to promote employment. - Herencia (Ciudad Real) Spain

Grupo TSD International and Diocesan Caritas of Ciudad Real join forces to promote employment.

Last Thursday, TSD International Group, led by its president Antonio Ramirez and Belen Diaz, responsible for HR, signed a collaboration agreement with Caritas Diocesana de Ciudad Real. The agreement was carried out with the participation of the parish priest of Herencia (Ciudad Real), Don Julian Martin; Sagrario Sanchez, Intermediation Technician; and Mari Carmen Ruiz, Coordinator of the Employment Program of Caritas Diocesana de Ciudad Real.

This agreement focuses on promoting employment and supporting disadvantaged groups through the employment program led by Caritas. TSD International Group, which has already been awarded several times with the CEPYME Award for Labor Inclusion for Disabled Persons and currently has 7% of employees with disabilities, has committed to work closely with Caritas in this initiative.

“Our greatest value is people, and we firmly believe in equal opportunities for all. We have expressly asked Caritas to rely on our company to search for job opportunities in their insertion plan,” said Antonio Ramirez, president of TSD International Group.

In addition, TSD International Group will offer from its Training Center the possibility of accessing their professional certificates for free. This measure seeks to reinforce the professional development of people at risk of social exclusion, thus strengthening their employability and opportunities for career success.

This agreement highlights the commitment of both organizations to inclusion and the promotion of job opportunities for disadvantaged groups, in a joint effort to promote equality and diversity in the labor market.

Spanish post in Grupo TSD International y Cáritas Diocesana de Ciudad Real se unen para promover el empleo

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