Heritage present at the 21st Civil Protection Leaders Meeting in Toledo - Herencia (Ciudad Real) Spain

Heritage present at the 21st Civil Protection Leaders Meeting in Toledo

Toledo has been the host of the XXI Meeting of Civil Protection Group Leaders of Castilla-La Mancha, held last Saturday at the Citizen Protection School. This event brought together 26 emergency group leaders from the region, including representatives from Herencia, reaffirming the fundamental importance of volunteering in the Civil Protection System.

The opening of the meeting was led by Emilio Puig, the Director General of Citizen Protection, who highlighted the commitment and work of the 248 volunteer groups operating in Castilla-La Mancha. With a total of 4,250 members, these groups play a crucial role in extraordinary emergency situations, where their rapid intervention can be decisive.

One of the highlights of the day was the discussion on the management of Civil Protection services, with a special emphasis on the Public Security Service, responsible for registering groups and volunteers. Additionally, the importance of proper allocation of subsidies to improve material resources and uniformity of volunteers’ equipment was addressed.

Furthermore, the training planning for the upcoming year was discussed, with the aim of meeting the educational needs of volunteers and ensuring they are prepared to respond effectively to any emergency situation. Continuous training is seen as an essential pillar to maintain a high level of operational capacity in the Civil Protection System.

Another topic addressed at the meeting was the importance of volunteering in assisting elderly people, a vulnerable group facing particular challenges during crises such as loneliness and lack of mobility. The need to strengthen resources and tools at both municipal and regional levels to ensure the well-being of this sector of the population was emphasized, highlighting the essential role of volunteers in this process.

During the meeting, the crucial role played by Civil Protection volunteers during the COVID-19 pandemic was recalled, especially in supporting the elderly and those in vulnerable situations. Their effort during this period was an example of solidarity and commitment, reinforcing the value of volunteering in times of crisis.

The presence of Herencia at this meeting reflects the strong commitment of its group to Civil Protection, a participation that reaffirms their willingness to collaborate and continue improving emergency response. These types of gatherings not only allow for sharing experiences and concerns among group leaders but also foster a collaborative and effective approach to facing challenges in the region.

The XXI Civil Protection Leaders Meeting has served as a valuable platform to strengthen ties among the different groups in Castilla-La Mancha, ensuring an efficient and coordinated response in future emergencies.

Spanish post in Herencia presente en el XXI Encuentro de Líderes de Protección Civil en Toledo

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