In English, the sentence "Herencia combina cultura y patrimonio en una representación teatral única" can be rewritten as "Heritage combines culture and heritage in a unique theatrical performance." - Herencia (Ciudad Real) Spain

In English, the sentence “Herencia combina cultura y patrimonio en una representación teatral única” can be rewritten as “Heritage combines culture and heritage in a unique theatrical performance.”

In an unprecedented collaboration between the areas of Culture and Heritage, Herencia has launched an innovative initiative that promises to be a milestone in the local cultural scene. It is an adapted, summarized version of Lope de Vega’s iconic play, “El Perro del Hortelano,” which will be brought to life by the renowned Taular Teatro de Almagro group.

Not only is the play itself a reason for attention, but also the chosen space for the performance: an impressive 18th-century courtyard belonging to the distinguished Herencian family Castelló Alonso. This corner, a civil architectural gem of the locality, becomes the perfect stage to immerse oneself in the entanglements and intrigues characteristic of the work of the celebrated Spanish playwright.

The Castelló Alonso family, in a generous gesture, has opened the doors of this emblematic space, allowing it to become a theatrical stage and offering the community the opportunity to experience the perfect fusion of heritage and culture.

This initiative reflects the commitment of the Herencia City Council to the promotion and preservation of local culture, offering citizens enriching experiences in places full of history and significance. Undoubtedly, a proposal that promises to captivate all lovers of art and tradition.

Spanish post in Herencia combina cultura y patrimonio en una representación teatral única

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