Inheritance organizes the IV Contest for making Nativity scenes with paper and cardboard "It was assembled the Nativity". - Herencia (Ciudad Real) Spain

Inheritance organizes the IV Contest for making Nativity scenes with paper and cardboard “It was assembled the Nativity”.

The Youth Area of ​​Herencia has launched a creative initiative for this Christmas season with the call for the IV Contest for the Elaboration of Paper and Cardboard Nativity Scenes “Se armó el Belén”. This contest seeks to promote creativity and teamwork, encouraging family participation in the creation of these traditional Christmas displays.

The competition is open to all residents of Herencia who wish to participate, and entries can be submitted until December 18 at the Pablo Iglesias Youth Center. With this activity, the City Council aims to create a space to share unique moments of family creativity, where both adults and children can contribute their ideas and skills.

This contest has an “INTERGENERATIONAL” category, in which families are expected to collaborate in the creation of nativity scenes using mainly paper and cardboard, whether recycled materials or not. The maximum allowed dimension for each nativity scene is 50 x 40 cm, and they must include all the fundamental figures of a traditional nativity scene.

The prizes for the most outstanding nativity scenes are as follows: 1st place) €50 and diploma 2nd place) €40 and diploma 3rd place) €30 and diploma

A jury composed of members of local associations and municipal staff will evaluate the works presented, taking into account criteria such as originality, creativity, and project execution. The results will be announced through the Town Hall’s Facebook page, and the jury reserves the right to declare the prizes void if the works do not meet the expected quality.

All submitted nativity scenes will be exhibited at the Youth Center until January 5, after which they can be collected by their creators.

The Herencia City Council invites the entire community to participate in this activity that combines art, tradition, and the Christmas spirit. For more information, interested parties can contact the Pablo Iglesias Youth Center or consult the details on the Town Hall’s website and social media.

[Photo caption: Herencia convenes the IV Contest for the Elaboration of Nativity Scenes with paper and cardboard “Se armó el Belén” 1]

Spanish post in Herencia convoca el IV Concurso de elaboración de Belenes con papel y cartón “Se armó el Belén”

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