Inheritance recognizes the champions of the Sports Schools of Cycling and Rhythmic Gymnastics. - Herencia (Ciudad Real) Spain

Inheritance recognizes the champions of the Sports Schools of Cycling and Rhythmic Gymnastics.

A few days ago, the courtyard of the Herencia Town Hall became the stage for an emotional official reception presided over by Mayor Sergio García-Navas. The event was dedicated to honoring the students of the Cycling and Rhythmic Gymnastics Sports Schools who have won gold medals in the provincial and regional championships held to date.

Recognition of the champions

During the ceremony, the effort and achievements of the young athletes were highlighted, who have brought the name of Herencia to the top in their respective disciplines. The recipients of gold medals were:

Cycling – Provincial Gold

– Joaquín Ramírez Fernández de la Puebla (Obstacle Course).
– Lucas López-Serrano Kiziryan (Line and Obstacle Course).

Rhythmic Gymnastics – Regional Gold

– Anna Yeghiazaryan Petrosyan.
– Triana García-Morato Jiménez-Tajuelo.
– Lola Gómez-Calcerrada Sánchez-Paulete.
– Lucía García-Navas Tajuelo.

In addition, recognition was given to cyclists who achieved second and third place in the provincial and regional championships, marking the first time that cycling has been included in an official reception of this kind. The outstanding athletes were:

– Marcos García-Valdivieso López de Pablo: Third place regionally in Obstacle Course.
– Mario Galán Heras: Provincial runner-up in Obstacle Course and third place provincially in Line.
– Juan Moreno Álvarez: Provincial runner-up in Line.
– Sofía Galán Heras: Provincial runner-up in Line.

An act full of gratitude

Accompanying the mayor were Ismael Gómez, president of the Amigos del Plato Grande Cycling Club, and Ermine Petrosyan, Rhythmic Gymnastics instructor at the Municipal Sports Schools, along with other members of the government team. The event also thanked the crucial role of family members, who have supported the young athletes in each step of their journey.

Promotion of local sports

This event not only celebrated the achievements of the athletes but also underscored Herencia’s commitment to the development and promotion of local sports. Through the Municipal Sports Schools and clubs, not only sporting performance is promoted, but also values such as effort, dedication, and teamwork.

Congratulations to all the awardees for their successes and for continuing to be a source of pride for Herencia. Here’s to many more victories!

Article published in: Herencia recognizes the champions of the Cycling and Rhythmic Gymnastics Sports Schools.

Spanish post in Herencia reconoce a los campeones de las Escuelas Deportivas de Ciclismo y Gimnasia Rítmica

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