Isabel Rodríguez, Minister of Territorial Policy, visits Tecnove facilities in Herencia and highlights the role of the industry in Spain's development. - Herencia (Ciudad Real) Spain

Isabel Rodríguez, Minister of Territorial Policy, visits Tecnove facilities in Herencia and highlights the role of the industry in Spain’s development.

The Minister of Territorial Policy and Government Spokesperson of Spain, Isabel Rodríguez, visited the facilities of Tecnove Group in Herencia on July 20th, a recognized leader in the field of environmental management. The visit was guided by the company’s president, Eusebio Ramírez, and also included the presence of the representatives of the PSOE in Herencia, among them the current mayor of the locality, Sergio García-Navas.

During the visit, Minister Rodríguez had the opportunity to get to know the company’s operations and its commitment to innovation and environmental care. “The effort of entrepreneurs and the development of the industry in our land and in the rest of Spain will continue FORWARD,” emphasized the minister.

Tecnove Group, headquartered in Herencia, has demonstrated its ability to innovate and adapt to the new challenges of the environmental sector, becoming a key player in the industrial development of the region. Minister Rodríguez’s visit highlights the important role that local companies play in the country’s industrial landscape.

The event also highlights the importance of cooperation between the public and private sectors in promoting sustainable economic development. Visits like Minister Rodríguez’s provide government leaders with a direct perspective on the challenges and opportunities facing the industry, helping them make more informed policy decisions.

Spanish post in Isabel Rodríguez, Ministra de Política Territorial, visita las instalaciones de Tecnove en Herencia y destaca el papel de la industria en el desarrollo de España

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