Round table on the need for green urban planning. - Herencia (Ciudad Real) Spain

Round table on the need for green urban planning.

The Women’s Heritage Association has organized a roundtable to discuss the trees and squares of Herencia and debate the need for green urbanism, with its main objectives being to raise awareness, inform, and make an effort towards the conservation, care, and expansion of green areas in the locality.

The roundtable, which is open to anyone who wants to participate, will take place on Thursday, June 30th, starting at 8pm at the I.E.S. Hermógenes Rodríguez. Additionally, during it, and under the moderation of anthropologist Dr. María Dolores Martín-Consuegra Martín-Fontecha, Raquel Ramiro Mansilla, architect and member of Ecologists in Action; Javier Abengoza, master in Sustainable Development; and Luis Miguel Fernández-Montes, archaeologist, will intervene.

To close the meeting, there will also be the collaboration and musical performance of Yeska.

Spanish post in Mesa redonda sobre la necesidad de un urbanismo verde

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