Scrapbooking and Dubbing Workshop at the Pablo Iglesias Youth Center - Herencia (Ciudad Real) Spain

Scrapbooking and Dubbing Workshop at the Pablo Iglesias Youth Center

During the Easter holiday afternoons, the Pablo Iglesias Youth Center offers a Scrapbooking Workshop for potential creative youth, from 5 to 7 pm. Participants learn to create a photo album using paper of various colors and textures, die-cut machines, stamps for stamping, and other decorative elements.

This type of alternative leisure, promoted by the Youth Area, seeks to demonstrate that fun and learning can coexist, while also creating a meeting space for youth. Everyone is encouraged to continue participating in these initiatives.

The next workshop will take place on April 14, 15, and 16, and there are still spots available to participate in the “Movie and Series Dubbing Workshop.”

Spanish post in Taller de Scrapbooking y Doblaje en el Centro Joven Pablo Iglesias

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