The Women's Center of Heritage establishes a Violet Point in the Fairgrounds. - Herencia (Ciudad Real) Spain

The Women’s Center of Heritage establishes a Violet Point in the Fairgrounds.

Herencia takes a step forward in its commitment to the fight against gender violence. On the 22nd and 23rd of September, the Women’s Center in the town will establish a Purple Point at the Fairground, which will serve as a space for awareness and information on gender-based violence.

This point not only aims to inform, but also to involve the whole society in this relevant cause. In order to capture attention, especially from young people, various attractive activities will be carried out. The professionals in charge of the Purple Point will interact with the attendees, generating an atmosphere of awareness and reflection on this issue. In addition, promotional material related to the topic will be distributed.

However, its function is not only preventive. If any gender-based aggression occurs during the festivities, the team at the Purple Point will be prepared to offer support to the victims, ensuring their safety and well-being.

For those who wish to approach or need assistance, the Purple Point will be operational at the Fairground, next to a tent, during the following hours:

  • Friday, September 22nd: from 23:00 to 03:00 hours.
  • Saturday, September 23rd: from 00:00 to 04:00 hours.

With actions like this, Herencia reinforces its commitment to defending women’s rights and eradicating any form of gender violence.

Spanish post in El Centro de la Mujer de Herencia instaura un Punto Violeta en el Recinto Ferial

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