Agro-alimentarias Cooperatives selects the winners of their 2nd Cooperative Awards. - Herencia (Ciudad Real) Spain

Agro-alimentarias Cooperatives selects the winners of their 2nd Cooperative Awards.

Cooperativas Agro-alimentarias Castilla-La Mancha has gathered its II Cooperative Awards’ jury this Friday to choose the region’s cooperatives that will be awarded on April 28th, in Ciudad Real, during the awards ceremony. An event in which the merits and trajectory of the different agricultural and food cooperatives and transformation agricultural societies of Castilla-La Mancha will be recognized.

During this Friday meeting, the jury has decided which cooperatives have stood out for their actions in favor of economic, social, and environmental sustainability. The jury has also selected the cooperative that will receive the Rural Merit Award, a new award focused on rewarding those cooperatives located in municipalities with less than 2,000 inhabitants.

In addition, there will be a special “Cooperative Excellence” award, which will reward the entity that aggregates notable merits in more than one sustainability area, as well as its promotion of cooperative values, competitiveness, innovation, job creation, etc.

The jury, made up of representatives from the University of Castilla-La Mancha, the Regional Ministry of Agriculture, Water and Rural Development, the Regional Ministry of Economy, Companies, and Employment, and the Cooperativas Agro-alimentarias organization itself, has had the responsibility of evaluating each of the submitted nominations and choosing, through a secret vote, those that will finally be awarded.

The director of Cooperatives Agro-alimentarias Castilla-La Mancha, Juan Miguel del Real, has emphasized that April 28th will be “the great day” of the regional agricultural cooperative, “with which we will show Castilla-La Mancha society the good work of our cooperative companies, their commitment to the rural environment in which they are located, their attachment to the territory, and their significant value creation in a region where agricultural cooperatives represent more than 8% of the regional GDP.”

Spanish post in Cooperativas Agro-alimentarias elige a los galardonados de sus II Premios Cooperativos

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