"II Entrepreneurship Conference of the Acompaña Network in Castilla-La Mancha" - Herencia (Ciudad Real) Spain

“II Entrepreneurship Conference of the Acompaña Network in Castilla-La Mancha”

This morning on March 15th, 2023, Mayor Sergio García Navas and the Councilor for Economy, Companies and Employment, Patricia Franco, attended the inauguration of the II Entrepreneurship Conference of the Castilla-La Mancha Accompany Network. The event, held at the Municipal Auditorium, focused on female entrepreneurship under the slogan “Entrepreneurship has a woman’s name.”

The main objective of the conference was to empower female entrepreneurs, promote gender equality, and foster economic growth in the region. Various lectures, round tables and workshops were carried out during the meeting, discussing topics such as the importance of female empowerment in the business world, opportunities and challenges faced by women entrepreneurs, and how to create a favorable environment for the development of their projects.

One of the most outstanding moments of the event was the participation of two neighbors from Herencia, Inés Guillén and Lola Gómez, who shared personal testimonies and experiences related to their experiences as entrepreneurs. Their inspiring and emotional stories captured the audience’s attention and served as an example of overcoming, effort and success in the business world.

Mayor Sergio García Navas and Councilor Patricia Franco expressed their support for female entrepreneurship and highlighted the importance of collaboration between public and private institutions to promote economic growth and equality of opportunities. They also emphasized the crucial role played by the Castilla-La Mancha Accompany Network in promoting entrepreneurship and supporting entrepreneurs in the region.

The II Entrepreneurship Conference of the Castilla-La Mancha Accompany Network concluded with a positive and motivating message for all female entrepreneurs: “Entrepreneurship has a woman’s name.” The event made it clear that female empowerment and support for entrepreneurship are key to the economic and social development of the region, and that it is essential to continue working on the creation of spaces and opportunities that allow women to achieve their professional and personal goals.

Spanish post in II Jornada de Emprendimiento de la Red Acompaña en Castilla-La Mancha

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