CEIP Carrasco Alcalde participates in the celebration of World Tree Day organized by the City Council. - Herencia (Ciudad Real) Spain

CEIP Carrasco Alcalde participates in the celebration of World Tree Day organized by the City Council.

Coinciding with the beginning of spring, the CEIP Carrasco Alcalde educational center has joined in the celebration of World Tree Day, thanks to an activity organized by the City Council. In Spain, March 21 is commemorated as a day dedicated to the importance of trees and nature. The Rural Development department has been responsible for coordinating an activity aimed at first grade students.

The students, accompanied by Mayor Sergio García-Navas and Rural Development Councilor Gabriel Carrero Díaz-Meco, have traveled to the Industrial Estate. There, they received instructions on the environment and the importance of caring for and protecting nature. Later, with the help of parks and gardens personnel, they proceeded to plant aromatic, wild, olive and almond plants.

This initiative seeks to raise awareness among students from an early age about the importance of trees and nature in our environment, and to promote respect and care for the environment. In addition, the activity also aims to teach children the importance of collaboration and teamwork to preserve the natural environment.

The celebration of World Tree Day at CEIP Carrasco Alcalde is a demonstration of the commitment of the City Council and the educational community to environmental education, instilling ecological values ​​in the new generations and promoting sustainable development of the municipality.

Spanish post in CEIP Carrasco Alcalde participa en la celebración del Día Mundial del Árbol organizada por el Ayuntamiento

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