This morning at 2:00 it will be 3:00. - Herencia (Ciudad Real) Spain

This morning at 2:00 it will be 3:00.

In the early hours of Sunday, March 26th, the clocks will spring forward an hour as daylight saving time begins. This adjustment is made to make the most of the sunlight and reduce electricity consumption for lighting. The history of the time change dates back to 1974 when the first oil crisis hit and countries started changing their clocks to save energy. Today, over 1.6 billion people in almost 80 countries adjust their clocks twice a year. In the European Union, the time change is applied as a Directive indefinitely on the last Sundays of March and October. Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) sets the different time zones, with territories being located up to 15 degrees west of Greenwich having Western European time. Spain is an exception to this rule, as it currently adheres to Central European Time due to a decision made in 1940 by the Franco regime to align with the schedules of Italy and Nazi Germany. There is currently a debate surrounding the appropriateness of this system and whether Spain should adopt Western European time.

Spanish post in Esta madrugada a las 2:00 serán las 3:00

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