An educational project that illuminates the path of young people. - Herencia (Ciudad Real) Spain

An educational project that illuminates the path of young people.

Last Friday, the educational project ITÍNERA23 brought together students from three educational centers in search of answers and guidance for their future. Speakers from different fields shared their experiences and advice in a day full of emotion and learning. An event organized by the Hermógenes Rodríguez High School in Herencia (Ciudad Real).

The event began with the interventions of Adrián Peño Redondo and Laura Tajuelo Molina Prados, who narrated their winding educational paths and shared how the “end of the world” for a young person is actually a crucial step in their life and not a dead end. Both highlighted the importance of treading one’s own path without fear of rectifying and exploring the world.

José Corrales Díaz-Pavón, a Hispanic philologist, stated that the humanities also have a future and that artificial intelligence needs specialists in these disciplines. He assured that there are no irreversible decisions and encouraged young people to follow their true desires.

Celia Almoguera Díaz-Flores, a resident pediatrician, shared the keys to choosing an educational path, while Angélica López-Sepúlveda Ortega, an industrial engineer, addressed the problem of low female representation in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics careers, encouraging more women to join these sectors.

Sara Ruiz Valdepeñas Infante, an English teacher, offered practical advice for facing the challenges of university life and emphasized the importance of learning languages and traveling. Meanwhile, David Carrero Fernández-Baíllo, a technology entrepreneur with projects like Color Vivo and Stackscale, as well as a BA investor, spoke of artificial intelligence as an opportunity, not a threat, and highlighted the need to adapt to changes.

After a short break, Pedro Gómez Calcerrada Tajuelo, director of operations at Grupo TECNOVE, emphasized the importance of soft skills in the world of work, while Manuel Javier Cejudo Prado, a professor and researcher in emotional education, explained how understanding personal attitude, aptitude, and motivation is fundamental in charting an educational path.

The event concluded with musical performances and gratitude to all collaborators and participants, who made ITÍNERA23 an enriching project for the educational community.

More information in the article on the IES blog.

Spanish post in Un proyecto educativo que ilumina el camino de los jóvenes

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