A 21-year-old man was rescued after falling into a 20-meter-deep well in Herencia. - Herencia (Ciudad Real) Spain

A 21-year-old man was rescued after falling into a 20-meter-deep well in Herencia.

A 21-year-old man had to be rescued on Monday after falling into a 20-meter-deep well in the town of Herencia, in the province of Ciudad Real. According to the story published on the website ciudadreal.com, the incident occurred around 8:36 PM, when the person accompanying the injured man called emergency services. After being rescued by firefighters, the man was treated by a mobile intensive care unit and taken to the La Mancha Centro Hospital in Alcázar de San Juan. Fortunately, the fact that there was water in the well meant that the man suffered only minor injuries. The Guardia Civil and the Local Police also attended the accident scene.

Spanish post in Rescatan a un joven de 21 años tras precipitarse al interior de un pozo de 20 metros de profundidad en Herencia

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