Beach handball returns to Herencia. - Herencia (Ciudad Real) Spain

Beach handball returns to Herencia.

Beach handball has returned to Herencia with full force this summer, with the sports club SMD BM Quijote Herencia leading the initiative. The organization aims to promote interest and participation in this exciting sport among the local population, especially among the youth.

The club has launched an open call for all children born in 2014 and later to join their beach handball teams. They also offer training and learning opportunities for those interested in learning the rules and techniques of this sport.

Beach handball is a sports discipline that combines the speed and strategy of traditional handball with the attractiveness and fun of playing in the sand. This sport, which has gained popularity worldwide, promotes teamwork, perseverance, and respect among players.

The initiative of SMD BM Quijote Herencia not only seeks to promote beach handball in the locality, but also to offer young people a healthy and fun alternative to spend their free time. By getting involved in sports activities from an early age, children can develop fundamental motor, social, and cognitive skills for their growth and well-being.

Registrations are open through an online form, which can be accessed at the following link: The club encourages everyone interested to join and become part of the growing beach handball community in Herencia.

There is no doubt that the efforts of SMD BM Quijote Herencia to promote beach handball will have a positive impact on the local community. Herencia’s youth will have the opportunity to enjoy this vibrant sport, while forging new friendships and learning valuable life lessons.

Spanish post in Vuelve el balonmano playa a Herencia

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