"Preparations underway for the 4th Night of Sports in Herencia." - Herencia (Ciudad Real) Spain

“Preparations underway for the 4th Night of Sports in Herencia.”

Herencia is gearing up to celebrate the IV Night of Sports in our community, an event that awards athletes and community contributors in several categories. On Friday June 9th, the Local Council of Sports and Physical Activity approved the bases for the event and preparations began for the big night.

The awards will be presented in the following categories: individual athlete, team athlete, sports trajectory, sports support, values in sports, and inclusive sports. These distinctions will be proposed and chosen by the Local Council of Sports.

In addition, a Special Sports Mention will be awarded, which may be proposed by any institution, group, or resident of the town. The deadline for submitting candidates for this special mention is Friday May 26th.

Those interested in proposing candidates for the Special Sports Mention can do so by completing Annex 1 and sending it by email to the Municipal Sports Service ([email protected]) or by delivering it to the general registry of the Herencia City Council.

The IV Night of Sports in Herencia promises to be an exciting and memorable celebration for all involved in the local sports community. Don’t miss the opportunity to participate in this event and support the athletes and collaborators who make sports in Herencia vibrant and successful.

Spanish post in Preparativos en marcha para la IV Noche del Deporte en Herencia

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