Students from the Herencia Cycling Sports School stand out in the Campo de Criptana race. - Herencia (Ciudad Real) Spain

Students from the Herencia Cycling Sports School stand out in the Campo de Criptana race.

Last Sunday, several students from our Herencia Cycling Sports School demonstrated their talents in the Campo de Criptana race, which is part of the Regional Federation Circuit. We want to congratulate all the cyclists and their instructors for the tremendous effort they put in during the race and throughout the season in their weekly training sessions.

One of the highlights of the competition was the second place achieved by Daniel Lara in the Pre-Benjamin category. We want to extend our sincere congratulations to Daniel for his excellent performance in the race.

In addition to Daniel, other students from the Herencia Cycling Sports School also participated in the race, demonstrating their skill and determination in each stage of the competition. We are proud of their achievements and wish them good luck in their upcoming races.

The Herencia Cycling Sports School strives to promote the love of cycling and the sporting spirit in all its students, and these results are a clear example of their success in this endeavor. We will continue to support and encourage our cyclists in their future challenges and hope to celebrate more triumphs in the future. Congratulations to all, and good luck in your next races!

Spanish post in Alumnos de la Escuela Deportiva de Ciclismo de Herencia destacan en la prueba de Campo de Criptana

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