The Herencia nursery school celebrates Book Day with activities and stories for its students. - Herencia (Ciudad Real) Spain

The Herencia nursery school celebrates Book Day with activities and stories for its students.

At the Herencia preschool, the celebration of Book Day has become an annual tradition filled with reading and storytelling activities. This year, the event was held for a full week and students had the opportunity to enjoy a variety of activities that promoted reading and a love for stories.

As the centerpiece of the celebration, the school decided to work with the story of «Camila the Zebra». The kids were immersed in the world of Camila, a zebra who teaches valuable lessons about acceptance and diversity to children.

To complement this experience, the school’s courtyard was transformed into a fun and educational space. Children were able to observe and play with different stories and images related to «Camila the Zebra» and other children’s book characters.

But the celebration was not just for the students, but also for their parents. Throughout the week, parents actively participated in storytelling of different books. In this way, integration was achieved between the school community and the family, strengthening bonds and promoting a love for reading.

The celebration of Book Day in the Herencia preschool demonstrates the institution’s commitment to promoting reading and educating its students. Thanks to these activities, children acquire tools to develop their imagination, creativity and ability to understand the world around them, while learning the value of literature and storytelling.

Spanish post in La escuela infantil de Herencia celebra el Día del Libro con actividades y cuentos para sus alumnos

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