Local Police of Herencia Gives Important Road Safety Lessons in Schools. - Herencia (Ciudad Real) Spain

Local Police of Herencia Gives Important Road Safety Lessons in Schools.

The Local Police of Herencia is carrying out road safety education sessions at the Carrasco Alcalde and Ntra. Sra. de las Merced schools, an initiative that falls within their commitment to the safety and integral education of the youngest residents of the town.

These talks are designed to provide children with essential knowledge about traffic and road safety. Among the topics addressed are the basic rules to follow when riding a bike or skateboarding, the dangers of being distracted by using their mobile device while walking, and the importance of crossing streets at appropriate locations. In addition, special emphasis is placed on the need to use seat belts when traveling in a car.

These theoretical lessons in the classroom will be complemented in the coming weeks with practical activities. The main objective of the Herencia Local Police through these sessions is to promote awareness and appropriate behavior in road safety among children. It is hoped that they will also be able to transmit these important knowledge to their family and friends, helping to create a safer municipality.

The mayor of Herencia, Sergio García-Navas, was present at one of the sessions, highlighting the council’s support for this important program of the Local Police. This initiative is a further demonstration of the commitment of local authorities to the education and safety of their citizens, especially the youngest ones.

Spanish post in Policía Local de Herencia Imparte Importantes Sesiones de Educación Vial en Escuelas

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