A Party of Color, Tradition, and Joy. - Herencia (Ciudad Real) Spain

A Party of Color, Tradition, and Joy.

This year, the Summer Carnival returns to the streets of Herencia with more color, joy, and festive spirit than ever before. As one of the most anticipated festivities in the local cultural calendar, the Carnival stands out for its traditional essence and playful and community atmosphere.

On August 12th, Herencia will again become the epicenter of the celebration. The Perlé groups, the Giants, the fun Jinetas, and the Animation Groups will meet to fill the streets with their energy and joy, intrinsic characteristics of this nationally recognized festival.

The Summer Carnival is an event that connects residents and visitors with the cultural heart of Herencia, its traditions, and its festive spirit. The celebration will culminate in the Summer Auditorium with a musical show by the orchestra La Mandrágora, promising to end the day with a note of jubilation and musical enthusiasm.

Herencia Town Hall, with the collaboration of the City Council of Ciudad Real and the Castilla-La Mancha Government, supports this celebration with the aim of promoting quality culture and revitalizing the local economy. The Summer Carnival is also a commitment to quality leisure activities to enjoy during the hot summer nights.

In summary, the 2023 Summer Carnival promises to be an unforgettable event, an explosion of color, tradition, and joy that reinforces local identity and provides the community with a unique opportunity for celebration and unity. This festival is an invitation to live and share the essence of Herencia, in a meeting that promises to surprise and thrill all attendees.

Spanish post in Una Fiesta de Color, Tradición y Alegría

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