A magical night of dance and ABBA in Herencia - Herencia (Ciudad Real) Spain

A magical night of dance and ABBA in Herencia

The Municipal Auditorium of Herencia was filled with music, dance, and emotion on Sunday night, with the summer gala of Body Training Dance and Active Dance, two of the star activities of our Municipal Sports Schools. This gala, with an ambiance inspired by the iconic group ABBA, was the perfect conclusion to a year of hard work and overcoming challenges.

On this occasion, the students from the five groups that make up these activities gave their present family members and friends a magical night full of rhythm and color. We want to thank all the attendees for their company and support throughout the entire show, which undoubtedly contributed to the vibrant and festive atmosphere of the event.

The quality of the exhibition revealed the continuous growth that these activities experience year after year within our Sports Schools, not only in terms of the number of participants but also in the quality of their performances. We also want to express our gratitude to all those who, although not directly involved in the activity, have contributed their bit to the preparation and development of the show.

A special mention goes to Fátima Martín, the activity’s instructor, whose work, commitment, and passion for dance have been a key factor in the success of this event. Fátima, along with the invaluable help of Marta and Carmen, has been able to transmit her love for dance to her students and has inspired them to give their best in every performance.

Congratulations to all the students who participated in the gala and to all those who contributed to its realization. We are eager to see what the next year holds for us and we are confident that, as before, it will continue to reflect the passion, dedication, and talent of our young dancers.

Spanish post in Una noche mágica de danza y ABBA en Herencia

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