Exhibition of Manchego watercolorists Martín Pérez and José Luis Martín inaugurated in Herencia - Herencia (Ciudad Real) Spain

Exhibition of Manchego watercolorists Martín Pérez and José Luis Martín inaugurated in Herencia

Last weekend, a new exhibition celebrating the talent and creativity of two acclaimed watercolor artists from La Mancha, Martín Pérez and José Luis Martín, both native to Tomelloso, was inaugurated at the Agustín Úbeda Exhibition Hall in Herencia.

The opening event was attended by Mayor Sergio García-Navas, as well as several council members from the Government Team. During his speech, the Mayor emphasized the willingness of the Herencia City Council to open its doors to all artists, both professionals and amateurs, who wish to share their talent and painting skills with the community.

Pérez and Martín’s exhibition is part of the ViVher program, which has kicked off an extensive and diverse schedule of cultural events and activities planned for the entire summer. This is an excellent opportunity to enjoy local art and support artists from the region.

The exhibition will be open to the public until June 30th, from 8:00 pm to 10:00 pm. We invite all residents and visitors of Herencia to enjoy the richness and diversity of styles from these two outstanding watercolor artists. This is an event that art and culture enthusiasts should not miss.

Spanish post in Inaugurada exposición de los acuarelistas manchegos Martín Pérez y José Luis Martín en Herencia

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