Extraordinary session of the Plenary at the City Council of Herencia on June 26th. - Herencia (Ciudad Real) Spain

Extraordinary session of the Plenary at the City Council of Herencia on June 26th.

On the next Monday, June 26, the Plenary Hall of the City Council of Herencia will host a new Extraordinary Session of the Plenary starting at 8:30 pm. This call is made after the elections held on May 28, 2023, and the consequent constitution of the City Council on June 17, 2023, in accordance with article 38 of the Regulation of Organization, Operation and Legal Regime of Local Entities approved by Royal Decree 2568/1986, of November 28, and 21.1.c) of Law 7/1985, of April 2, on the Bases of Local Government.

The Agenda for the session will include the following points:

  1. Approval of the Minutes of the previous session.
  2. Recognition by the Plenary of the composition of the political groups and their spokespersons.
  3. Economic allocation to the Political Groups.
  4. Establishment of the frequency of plenary sessions.
  5. Report on the appointment of Deputy Mayors.
  6. Report on the appointment of members of the Local Government Board.
  7. Report on the generic and specific delegations to the Councilors of the Corporation.
  8. Creation of the Information Committees.
  9. Appointment of representatives in collegiate bodies.
  10. Appointment of event staff.
  11. Establishment of remuneration for full-time and part-time positions.
  12. Attendance at collegiate bodies.

The call has been signed by the Mayor, Mr. Sergio García-Navas Corrales, in Herencia (Ciudad Real). The City Council Secretary attests to this call.

Interested citizens are invited to attend the session to be informed about the topics that will be discussed and the direction of local government.

Extraordinary Plenary Session at the City Council of Herencia on June 26
Extraordinary Plenary Session at the City Council of Herencia on June 26 1
Extraordinary Plenary Session at the City Council of Herencia on June 26
Extraordinary Plenary Session at the City Council of Herencia on June 26 2

Spanish post in Sesión extraordinaria del Pleno en el Ayuntamiento de Herencia el 26 de junio

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