A Tribute to the Elderly in Herencia - Herencia (Ciudad Real) Spain

A Tribute to the Elderly in Herencia

To celebrate the Feast of Saint Joachim and Saint Anne, the City Council of Herencia, in collaboration with the Council of Elders, is organizing its traditional Gala Dinner. The event aims to recognize the tireless work of the elderly and will take place at the Summer Auditorium on Friday, July 21st.

The Grandparents’ Gala Dinner, which returns to the Municipal Auditorium, is presented as an event full of emotion and surprises. According to statements from the Councilor for Social Welfare, Conchi Rodríguez-Palancas, the objective is for our elders to “celebrate this date and enjoy the summer, as a recognition of everything they contribute to our daily lives.”

In addition to the dinner, the evening will be enlivened with dancing and music by the Momart Duo. The objective of this initiative is to pay tribute to all the seniors of the municipality for everything they have contributed and continue to offer to society. The role of grandparents is crucial nowadays, not only as a source of love and experience for the younger generations, but also as true heroes who collaborate in the care of their grandchildren and support their families.

Rodríguez-Palancas has also invited all the elderly people of Herencia to participate not only in this event, which promotes social relationships among people of the same age, but also in all the activities scheduled throughout the year, in order to promote active aging.

All residents over 60 years of age who wish to attend can register from Monday, July 3rd until the 12th, from 9:00 am to 2:00 pm, at the Seniors Center.

Cena de Gala del Día de los Abuelos: Un Homenaje a la Tercera Edad en Herencia 1
Cena de Gala del Día de los Abuelos: Un Homenaje a la Tercera Edad en Herencia 1

Spanish post in Un Homenaje a la Tercera Edad en Herencia

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