Inmaculada García-Navas will say goodbye to SMD BM Quijote Herencia to join Club Balonmano Porriño. - Herencia (Ciudad Real) Spain

Inmaculada García-Navas will say goodbye to SMD BM Quijote Herencia to join Club Balonmano Porriño.

The SMD BM Quijote Herencia Sports Club announces that their distinguished player, Inmaculada García-Navas, will not be defending the goal for the Juvenile and Senior Women’s teams in the upcoming season.

After dedicating more than 7 years to the organization, García-Navas will be transferring to the Balonmano Porriño Club, a team that competes in the Iberdrola League. This change will allow Inmaculada to continue her development by playing in the Women’s Division of Spain’s Royal Handball Federation. There, she will benefit from the intensive training offered by the Iberdrola team, both in practices and in the minutes she gets on the field.

From SMD BM Quijote Herencia, we want to express that this will always be Inmaculada’s home. She will always be welcome to collaborate, share her knowledge, and continue to be a role model for the younger players in Herencia.

We wish Inmaculada a lot of enjoyment and learning in her new adventure. This is not a goodbye, but a see you soon. Her legacy will endure in the SMD BM Quijote Herencia, and we look forward to seeing her thrive in her new challenge.

Spanish post in Inmaculada García-Navas se despedirá del SMD BM Quijote Herencia para unirse al Club Balonmano Porriño

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