The Occupational Center 'El Picazuelo' concludes the 2022-2023 Course with an inclusive dinner. - Herencia (Ciudad Real) Spain

The Occupational Center ‘El Picazuelo’ concludes the 2022-2023 Course with an inclusive dinner.

The 2022-2023 course at the Occupational Center “El Picazuelo” came to an end with an inclusive dinner at the popular local restaurant, Jabalí Gastrobar. This event, which has already become an annual tradition, was attended by all members of the center.

The mayor of Herencia, Sergio García-Navas, and the councilor of Social Welfare, Conchi Rodríguez Palancas, joined the celebration, sharing a pleasant moment with all the participants of the center. The dinner served as a closing and celebration moment after a year full of motivating activities and good times.

This event reinforces the municipality’s commitment to inclusion and social welfare, providing a space for all community members to interact and celebrate their joint achievements.

The City Council would like to thank the Occupational Center “El Picazuelo” for its tireless work in promoting the inclusion and well-being of all its members and for its important role in our community. The local council hopes to continue collaborating and supporting these initiatives in the future. Until next year’s course!

The Occupational Center "El Picazuelo" closes the 2022-2023 Course with an inclusive dinner 1
The Occupational Center “El Picazuelo” closes the 2022-2023 Course with an inclusive dinner 1

Spanish post in El Centro Ocupacional “El Picazuelo” clausura el Curso 2022-2023 con cena inclusiva

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