Inauguration of the "Aires de Amor" Exhibition and presentation of the book "La Mesa del Arte" in Herencia. - Herencia (Ciudad Real) Spain

Inauguration of the “Aires de Amor” Exhibition and presentation of the book “La Mesa del Arte” in Herencia.

Today, Sunday, a prominent cultural event took place in Herencia with the inauguration of the exhibition “Aires de Amor”, by renowned artist Saad Ali. The exhibition consists of large canvases whose vibrant colors reflect the artist’s profound inner beauty.

Saad Ali, born in Diwania, Iraq, in 1953, is a renowned painter who masters the technique of fresco painting. Known as a “poet painter,” his works evoke emotion and tell his own story, bringing us into a world of dreamlike images of great liveliness and chromatic intensity, at the same time tremendously delicate and intimate. He studied design and graphic arts at the Academy of Art in Baghdad before moving to Europe at the age of 21 to study at the prestigious Academy of Art in Florence and Perugia, Italy.

In addition to the exhibition, the event also featured the presentation of the book “La Mesa del Arte”, co-written by Vicente Vercher, Saad Ali, and Jose Luis Mascara. This cultural event attracted a large number of participants, including Mayor Sergio Garcia-Navas, and several councilors from the City Council.

The exhibition “Aires de Amor” will be open until July 30, with visiting hours from 8:00 PM to 10:00 PM on Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays. We invite all art lovers to visit this magnificent exhibition and immerse themselves in the exciting and colorful world of artist Saad Ali.

Spanish post in Inauguración de la Exposición “Aires de Amor” y presentación del libro “La Mesa del Arte” en Herencia

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