Dismantling of a criminal gang dedicated to drug trafficking in Alcázar and Herencia. - Herencia (Ciudad Real) Spain

Dismantling of a criminal gang dedicated to drug trafficking in Alcázar and Herencia.

The Civil Guard of Ciudad Real has successfully dismantled the criminal organization ‘Trimuñoz’, specializing in drug trafficking in Alcázar de San Juan and its surrounding areas, including the town of Herencia.

The investigation, which began in October 2022 after an increase in drug seizures in Herencia, led to the discovery of four small-scale cocaine distribution points in this town. These were linked to a main distributor in Alcázar de San Juan.

The investigators identified several drug suppliers in various locations, including Alcázar de San Juan, Villarta de San Juan, Petrer (Alicante), and the Madrid towns of Vallecas, Torrejón de Velasco, and Alcobendas. It was also revealed that the leader of the organization was directing operations from Soto del Real prison, employing trusted individuals for the management and sale of narcotics.

After gathering sufficient evidence of their criminal activities, the intervention was requested from the Court of First Instance and Instruction number 1 of Alcázar de San Juan. This led to the execution of 19 simultaneous searches, including one in Soto del Real prison, resulting in the arrest of 15 individuals for drug trafficking and membership in a criminal organization. Ten of the detainees were sent to provisional prison, while the inmate is also being investigated in relation to these events.

The Civil Guard highlighted the diversification and specialization of the organization’s members, as well as the criminal experience of its leaders. The gang even had a workshop to prepare hidden compartments in vehicles for the transportation of drugs and money.

During the operation, 7.7 kilograms of cocaine, one kilogram of hashish, 35,000 euros in cash, two presses (one hydraulic and one mechanical), two simulated pistols, a taser, two machetes, a frequency jammer, nine vehicles, 80 mobile phones, 14 precision scales, and a banknote counting machine were confiscated.

Spanish post in Desmantelamiento de una banda delictiva dedicada al narcotráfico en Alcázar y Herencia

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