The Official Diary of Castilla-La Mancha (DOCM) has published a resolution from the General Directorate of Agriculture and Livestock that establishes the sanitary measures to be implemented in the sheep and goat farms of the region, following the detection of outbreaks of sheep and goat pox. The provinces affected by these measures, which include both a surveillance zone and an additional restriction zone, include Albacete, Ciudad Real, Cuenca, and Toledo.
The resolution details the creation of a Surveillance Zone (SZ), which includes sheep and goat farms in various municipalities, including Fuensanta, La Roda, Tarazona de la Mancha, Villalgordo del Júcar, Minaya, Munera, and Villarrobledo in Albacete. In Ciudad Real, localities such as Alcázar de San Juan, Arenales de San Gregorio, Daimiel, Herencia, Manzanares, Pedro Muñoz, Socuéllamos, and Tomelloso are included, among others.
The municipalities in Cuenca include Atalaya del Cañavate, Casas de Fernando Alonso, Casas de Haro, Honrubia, Pinarejo, Alarcón, Casasimarro, Belmonte, La Alberca de Záncara, and Mota del Cuervo, to name a few. While in Toledo, there are Villafranca de los Caballeros, Villacañas, Quintanar de la Orden, Miguel Esteban, Madridejos, La Villa de Don Fabrique, La Puebla de Almoradiel, El Toboso, and Camuñas.
Within the Surveillance Zone, the movement of sheep and goats from farms to slaughterhouses located in the same zone will only be allowed under certain conditions. For example, the request for movement must be made at least 48 hours before the transfer, the animals must be clinically inspected at the time of loading, and the means of transportation must be properly cleaned and disinfected.
In addition, the resolution establishes an Additional Restriction Zone (ARZ), which includes sheep and goat farms in the provinces of Albacete, Ciudad Real, Cuenca, and Toledo that are not included in the Surveillance Zone.
This resolution came into effect on the same day of its publication, Friday, July 28. The measures taken aim to control and prevent the spread of sheep and goat pox, thus ensuring the health and welfare of these animals.
Spanish post in Castilla-La Mancha implementa medidas sanitarias en explotaciones de ovino y caprino frente a brotes de viruela