Herencia C.F. adds Dani Soria to its squad. - Herencia (Ciudad Real) Spain

Herencia C.F. adds Dani Soria to its squad.

Herencia C.F. has announced their latest acquisition for the first team: Dani Soria. This talented right-back, known for his extensive range on the field and his ability to reach the end line, promises to be a fundamental pillar in the team’s defense.

Dani is not unfamiliar with high-level competition. He comes from Atlético Tomelloso, where he honed his skill and talent in both the youth categories and the first team, competing in the preferred and third divisions.

His addition to Herencia C.F. marks a positive step in the team’s consolidation for the upcoming season. Dani’s experience and prowess on the field will add essential depth and versatility to face the upcoming challenges.

From Herencia C.F., the sentiment is one of optimism and confidence. “Another reinforcement of great quality that will bring big things this season,” highlights the club’s announcement.

The entire team and fan community wishes Dani Soria the greatest success in this new stage of his football career.

Spanish post in Herencia C.F. incorpora a Dani Soria en su plantilla

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