The Labrador and the Court of Honor of La Merced 2023 illuminate Heritage. - Herencia (Ciudad Real) Spain

The Labrador and the Court of Honor of La Merced 2023 illuminate Heritage.

The night of August 14th was unforgettable for the residents of Herencia, who gathered to celebrate the eve of La Labradora. More than a milestone in the neighborhood’s festive calendar, the date holds a special place in the hearts of the entire Herencia community.

The festivities began with a tone of joy and anticipation when the Little Ladies of La Labradora were presented. However, the attention quickly shifted to the presentation of the Court of Honor of La Merced 2023 Festivals and Fiestas.

A modern and innovative twist characterized this edition: for the first time, the Court of Honor will be mixed. And, in an unprecedented move, a draw was held to determine the specific responsibilities of each member during the Fair festivities.

Thus, the distinguished Court of Honor 2023 will be composed of:

  • Andrea Cano Paez, who will have the honor of inaugurating the grape stomping during the Harvest Festival.
  • Gonzalo García-Miguel, in charge of giving the first notice of the inaugural fireworks.
  • Samuel Gómez Fernández de la Puebla, who will be responsible for initiating the festivities with the traditional “chupinazo” rocket.
  • Irene Gallego-Casilda Gallego de la Sacristana, who will unveil the fairgrounds.

The event not only attracted residents and visitors, but also had the presence of prominent political figures. Among them were the councilors of the Government Team and the Mayor, Sergio García Navas. They all accompanied the President of the Assumption and Jesus of Medinaceli Brotherhood, along with the rest of the Board Members.

Undoubtedly, this inclusive change in tradition marks a step forward in Herencia’s festive history and sets high expectations for future celebrations.

Spanish post in La Labradora y la Corte de Honor de La Merced 2023 iluminan Herencia

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