An invitation to save lives - Herencia (Ciudad Real) Spain

An invitation to save lives

Herencia will receive the Blood Donor Brotherhood on August 23rd and 24th in a new extraction campaign that seeks the collaboration of the town’s residents. All those who wish to become anonymous heroes can do so by donating their blood at the Health Center from 6:00 pm to 9:30 pm.

Blood donation is more than an altruistic act; it is a vital action that can make the difference between life and death for many people. Each donation has the potential to benefit up to three patients in need of blood transfusions due to surgeries, cancer treatments, severe trauma, among other situations.

It is crucial to understand the importance of this practice. Blood cannot be artificially produced, and the only way to obtain it is through voluntary donation. Additionally, blood has a limited shelf life, which means that it is always necessary to replenish the supplies. Therefore, regular campaigns are essential to maintain a constant supply and meet the demand of hospitals.

Donating blood not only benefits those who receive it. Donors also receive benefits, as a prior screening is carried out, including blood pressure, hemoglobin, and other parameters that can alert about possible health problems.

Echoing the noble cause, from this platform we encourage all residents of Herencia to participate in these donation days. It is an opportunity to exercise solidarity, take care of our health, and, above all, offer others the possibility of a better life. Let’s make a difference together!

Jornadas de Donación de Sangre en Herencia: una invitación a salvar vidas 1
Jornadas de Donación de Sangre en Herencia: una invitación a salvar vidas 1

Spanish post in una invitación a salvar vidas

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