Cultural and Awareness Trip organized by the Herencia Women's Center - Herencia (Ciudad Real) Spain

Cultural and Awareness Trip organized by the Herencia Women’s Center

The Women’s Center of Herencia has organized a trip to Tomelloso for next Saturday, October 14th, which promises to be an enriching experience in various aspects. This activity is designed to combine leisure, culture, and awareness of the important role that women play in rural areas.

The day will begin with a departure from the Herencia bus station at 10:30 am. At 11:30 am, participants will have the opportunity to visit “Bodegas Verum,” where they will enjoy a wine tasting and a tour that includes the distillery room and the aging cave, as well as the famous Tosca.

In the afternoon, at 5:00 pm, the group will visit the Municipal Museum “Antonio López.” This painter has dedicated a significant part of his work to make visible the work of women in rural areas, which adds special value to the visit in the context of this activity.

The total cost of the activity is 15 euros. Registrations will open on September 4th at 9:00 am at the Casa de Herencia and will continue until all available spots are filled. Do not miss this unique opportunity to combine culture, leisure, and social awareness in a day full of meaningful activities.

Spanish post in Viaje cultural y de sensibilización organizado por el Centro de la Mujer de Herencia

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