Security reinforcement for the Festivities in honor of the Virgen de las Mercedes in Herencia. - Herencia (Ciudad Real) Spain

Security reinforcement for the Festivities in honor of the Virgen de las Mercedes in Herencia.

The Civil Guard, Local Police and Civil Protection coordinate efforts to ensure the safety of the celebrations.

This past Thursday, September 7, within the framework of the celebrations in honor of the Virgin of Mercedes, which will take place in Herencia from September 20 to 24, the Local Security Board was held. The meeting, chaired by Mayor Sergio García-Navas and Inmaculada Jiménez, provincial delegate of Finance and Public Administrations, aimed to coordinate and strengthen the special security device for the upcoming festivities.

The main focus this year has been the implementation of a detailed security plan with specific measures aimed at ensuring the protection of residents and visitors in the different places where the events will take place. Special attention has been given to the municipal tent, which is larger this year and will feature daily musical performances. Private security has also been reinforced, and a ‘Violet Point’ has been established on days with higher attendance, a place dedicated to raising awareness, providing information, and assisting victims of sexist aggression.

One of the most notable returns for this edition of the festivities is the celebration of bullfighting events. To ensure the safety of all attendees, the fairground will be protected by concrete blocks that will prevent the entry of vehicles.

Given the diversity of scenarios that will be distributed in different parts of the town, the role of the Civil Guard, Local Police and Civil Protection is fundamental. These security forces will coordinate to ensure that citizens can enjoy the festivities in a peaceful environment.

Mayor García-Navas thanked the joint work of the security forces, whose collaboration has proved essential in previous operations in the town. Inmaculada Jiménez, on the other hand, expressed her wishes for a trouble-free celebration and reiterated the full support of the Junta de Castilla-La Mancha in the festivities.

The meeting took place in the council chamber and was attended by Councilor for Citizen Security, Serafín Tajuelo, Secretary Ana Solera, and representatives of the Civil Guard, Local Police and Civil Protection, whose crucial presence was highlighted.

Spanish post in Refuerzo de Seguridad para las Fiestas en honor a la Virgen de las Mercedes en Herencia

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