The Herencia Senior Center ends the summer with successful activities. - Herencia (Ciudad Real) Spain

The Herencia Senior Center ends the summer with successful activities.

The summer has been a season of activity and learning for the members of the Herencia Senior Center. With the closure of their summer activities, the success and great participation of the elderly in a variety of programs designed for their well-being and personal development are celebrated.

From July to August, the Center has offered a wide range of activities, suitable and beneficial for this age group. The proposals have been as diverse as a digital education and mobile management course – demonstrating that it is never too late to learn and adapt to new technologies -, and programs such as “active mind” that promote the cognitive health of the participants. Physical activity has also been a protagonist during these months with proposals such as maintenance gym, adapted gym and even pool gym, offering alternatives for all levels of ability and preferences. Hiking, on the other hand, provided the opportunity to enjoy the outdoors and the natural beauty of the area.

The final touch to these enriching activities was a closing event at the municipal pool, which was attended by the Councilor for Social Welfare, Conchi Rodríguez Palancas, who accompanied and shared with some of the participants, recognizing their effort and enthusiasm.

This summer, the Herencia Senior Center has reaffirmed the importance of maintaining an active and fulfilling life at all stages of life, and how, with the collaboration of institutions and the community, an enriching and positive environment can be created for our seniors.

Spanish post in El Centro de Mayores de Herencia cierra el verano con actividades exitosas

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