Classifications of the 46th Popular Race Villa de Herencia. - Herencia (Ciudad Real) Spain

Classifications of the 46th Popular Race Villa de Herencia.

Last Sunday, September 10, the town of Herencia dressed up to celebrate its traditional Popular Villa de Herencia Race, in its forty-sixth edition. The event featured different competition modalities: 10K, 5K, and categories exclusively dedicated to the youngest participants.

The enthusiasm and passion for sports were palpable in the air from early on. All the registered participants, both winners in the different categories and the rest of the participants, deserve a big applause for their commitment and dedication in this new edition of one of the longest-standing and beloved competitions in the town.

The success of the race is not only due to the runners but also to the impressive work carried out by CA Molino Parra, who dedicated weeks of preparation to ensure that everything went perfectly on the day of the event. Their effort guaranteed that all the participants enjoyed a top-level sports experience.

The event also benefited from the valuable support of Herencia Local Police, Civil Protection, Red Cross, Friends of Plato Grande, and, of course, the countless volunteers who, with their dedication and commitment, made the realization of this event possible.

The crowning moment was the trophy ceremony, attended by notable figures such as Serafín Tajuelo, Sports Councilor of the Municipality, Inmaculada Ortega Fernández-Caballero, Councilor of Economy and Finance, Cemetery, and New Technologies, and Ramón Mateos de Arriba, President of CA Molino Parra, accompanied by the rest of the club members.

Undoubtedly, the 46th Popular Villa de Herencia Race has left an indelible mark in the hearts of sports lovers and promises to come back stronger in its next edition.

Results of the 46th Popular Herencia Race

Spanish post in Clasificaciones de la 46ª Carrera Popular Villa de Herencia

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