First Session of School Council Course highlights the good start and the work of Educational Centers. - Herencia (Ciudad Real) Spain

First Session of School Council Course highlights the good start and the work of Educational Centers.

This morning, representatives from the four Educational Centers, along with members from various areas such as Social Welfare, Library, Youth, Popular University, Adult Education, PTA, and political parties, met to celebrate the first session of the School Council for the academic year. This meeting, chaired by Mayor Sergio García-Navas and attended by Councilor for Education, Lola Fernández, has demonstrated the smooth start of the new academic year.

Following the start of classes a few days ago, this space for dialogue has become an essential meeting point to share and discuss the work that the centers are carrying out for the 23-24 academic year. The dynamics and pedagogical plans of the educational establishments have been the core of the debate, given their significance in the education of future generations.

On the other hand, the different areas of the City Council provided a preview of the activities and projects being prepared for this academic year. These proposals, aimed at the general population and especially the educational community, seek to enrich learning and strengthen the connections between the school and the surrounding environment.

The Government team did not want to miss the opportunity to underline the continuity of the PIME program, a tool that provides support and academic reinforcement to those students who require it.

Soon, all the details of the opening ceremony of the school year will be revealed through the Learning Festival, an event that symbolizes the celebration of knowledge and the importance of education in society.

Spanish post in Primera Sesión del Curso del Consejo Escolar destaca el buen comienzo y el trabajo de los Centros Educativos

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