Herencia is hosting the first women's handball event by SMD BM Quijote. - Herencia (Ciudad Real) Spain

Herencia is hosting the first women’s handball event by SMD BM Quijote.

The Municipal Pavilion of Herencia is preparing to be the scene of excitement and sportsmanship with the celebration of the first women’s matchday of SMD BM Quijote Herencia. The event promises two intense and passionate handball matches.

At 6:00 pm, the young women of the Juvenile Women’s team will be the protagonists as they face Miguel Bellido Handball Manzanares. This opening match of the season will surely showcase the talent and dedication of both squads, who are looking to start their championship journey on a good note.

Subsequently, at 8:00 pm, it will be the turn of the Senior Women’s team, who will compete against Balonmano Ciudad de Puertollano. A duel that will undoubtedly feature the experience and skill of the most veteran players, promising a high-level sports spectacle.

The double event at the Municipal Pavilion of Herencia is eagerly awaited not only by the participating teams, but also by the local fans who will surely fill the stands to support and enjoy an afternoon dedicated to women’s sports.

Spanish post in Herencia acoge la primera jornada femenina de balonmano del SMD BM Quijote

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