The 16th National Quick Painting Contest "Villa de Herencia" lights up the streets of the town. - Herencia (Ciudad Real) Spain

The 16th National Quick Painting Contest “Villa de Herencia” lights up the streets of the town.

As part of the activities leading up to the fair, Herencia has once again witnessed the celebration of the XVI National Rapid Painting Contest “Villa de Herencia”. This Saturday, artists from all over the country have unfolded their easels and palettes in different corners of the town, turning its streets and squares into live canvases. This event, beyond a competition, aims to highlight and value the vast artistic, natural, and landscape heritage of Herencia. The vibrant artistic activity in every corner of the city has reaffirmed its purpose. After a day of creativity and passion for art, the jury announced the winners, distributing the prizes as follows: First Prize: Aida Mauri, who received €600, sponsored by the Herencia City Council. Second Prize: Rafael Terréx Martínez, who received €500 thanks to Color Vivo Internet and Garden Viveros Ferca. Third Prize: Mari Sol de Marco, awarded €400, courtesy of Rotulación Técnica Rotec. Fourth Prize: Manuel Martínez, who won €380, awarded by Prefadhor (Tubyder). Fifth Prize: Evaristo Palacios, with €375 offered by Traza2. Architecture and Urbanism. Sixth Prize: Julián Mendoza was recognized with €350, a gesture from Harinas Palmero SL. Seventh Prize: Francisco José Girón obtained €350, contributed by Papeleria Kalko’s. This contest, which year after year gains recognition and participation, highlights Herencia’s commitment to culture and art, as well as offering artists a platform to showcase their talent and reinterpret the beauty of the town. Photo Gallery of the XVI National Rapid Painting Contest “Villa de Herencia” illuminates the streets of the town 1 XVI National Rapid Painting Contest “Villa de Herencia” illuminates the streets of the town 2…

Spanish post in XVI Certamen Nacional de Pintura Rápida “Villa de Herencia” ilumina las calles de la localidad

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