Anueles FC is crowned champion in an exciting final. - Herencia (Ciudad Real) Spain

Anueles FC is crowned champion in an exciting final.

The Summer Indoor Soccer League 2023 came to a close last Friday, September 15th. The highlight match in the Senior category was between Transportes J. Gómez and Anueles FC, in a final that kept fans on the edge of their seats until the last minute. Ultimately, Anueles FC demonstrated their superiority on the field and claimed the championship title. Bravo, champions!

The trophy presentation ceremony was attended by Serafín Tajuelo, Sports Councillor of the City Council, who was accompanied by Jesús-Díaz Pavón, President of the DXT Herencia Association, and Víctor Manzanares, representing the Victoriano Manzanares family.

The winners of this edition are as follows:

  • Senior Champion: Anueles FC.
  • Senior Runner-up: Transportes J. Gómez.
  • Junior Champion: Diabéticos FC.
  • Victoriano Manzanares Sportsmanship Award: Presented to Unión Latina FC for their exemplary behavior and sportsmanship throughout the tournament.

It is important to highlight the high level of competition and sportsmanship shown by all participating teams in both categories. The organization and the sports community would like to congratulate everyone on their outstanding performance and thank them for their commitment and passion for the sport.

We hope that the next edition will continue to establish this tournament as one of the benchmarks of indoor soccer in the region. Congratulations to all and see you next time!

Closing of the Summer Indoor Soccer League 2023: Anueles FC crowned champions in an exciting final 1
Closing of the Summer Indoor Soccer League 2023: Anueles FC crowned champions in an exciting final 1

Spanish post in Anueles FC se corona campeón en una emocionante final

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