A meeting full of tradition and memories. - Herencia (Ciudad Real) Spain

A meeting full of tradition and memories.

This Sunday, September 24th at 10:30 am at the Municipal Field in Herencia, the world of soccer dresses up to celebrate the 5th Memorial “Jesús Peño” of the Herencia CF Veterans. This event, already established in the sports calendar of the town, has become an annual meeting point for fans and lovers of football.

The match promises emotions and dedication on the field, as it will be between the local team from Herencia and the renowned team of Veteranos Villartense. Both squads, made up of players with extensive experience in the sport, will fight for victory, but above all, to keep alive the sporting spirit and the memory of “Jesús Peño,” who gives his name to this important memorial.

The match is not only a competition, but also an occasion to pay homage and remember those who have left an indelible mark on the local sport. The event will also serve as a moment of reunion between old friends, teammates, and fans who, year after year, do not want to miss this traditional football gathering.

Since its first edition, the “Jesús Peño” Memorial has grown in influence and has managed to establish itself as a symbolic event in the sports calendar of Herencia. This year, without a doubt, will not be the exception, and a large crowd is expected to enjoy football full of passion, talent, and remembrance.

Spanish post in Un encuentro cargado de tradición y recuerdo

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